Frais d'envoi en France métropolitaine à 0,01 € à partir de 35€ d'achat du 20 au 31 mars 2025

Uno Svedin

A propos de l'auteur

Uno Svedin , born 1943, PhD, is Senior Researcher at the Stockholm Resilience Center (SRC) at Stockholm University and former Professor at the same University. He is Doctor honoris causa at the Linköping University were he was adjunct Professor 1994-2004. He has been Director of Research at the Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research (FRN) until 2000 and after that Director of International Affairs at the Swedish Research Council Formas until retirement 2010. He is member of the EURAGRI Board and was member of the initiating PREFARN Group in the EU preparing for the re-establishment of the EU-SCAR and member and later chair of its coordinating Working Group. He has been the chair of the EU Consultative Forum for Sustainability and the Environment.
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