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The pineapple

Culture et produits

de C. Py (auteur), Jean-Joseph Lacoeuilhe (auteur), Claude Teisson (auteur), Goodfellow (traduction)
Collection : Hors Collection
janvier 1987
format 160 x 240 568 pages En stock
41,70 €
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Cet ouvrage comprend 4 parties. La partie 1 concerne la plante, sa biologie et ses rapports avec le milieu physique et biologique. La phytotechnie avec un éventail d'itinéraires techniques pour chaque étape de la culture constitue la partie 2. Les parties 3 et 4 sont une synthèse des utilisations possibles de l'ananas et des technologies utilisées (conservation, produits dérivés).


Part one - Plant and the environment

I.1- Taxonomy - Origin - Distribution

I.2 - Genetics

  • Genetic Data
  • Different cultivars
  • Plant improvement

I.3 - Botany and Physiology

  • Botanical characteristics
  • Carbon fixation in pineapple
  • Vegetative growth
  • Flower differentiation
  • Growth and development of the inflorescence - physiology of the fruit

I.4 - Ecology

  • The plant and the physical environment
  • The plant and the biological environment

I.5 - From biology to cultivation

  • Length of cycle - weight and quality of the fruit - yield per ha
  • Production of dry matter - water efficiency
  • Flower induction (forcing) pand its consequances
  • State of the population
  • Plant nutrition

Part two - Cultivation

II.1 - Cultivation systems - crop combinations

  • Range of cultivation systems
  • Main factors determining the cultivation system
  • Selection of crops that can be combined with pineapple

II.2 -Choice of site - preparation of the soil

  • Choice of site
  • Parcelling the plantation

II.3 - Layout of the plantation - choice of planting density

  • Choice of layout
  • Choice of planting density - effets of competition

II.4 - Planning plantation management–planting dates

  • Production dates
  • Dates for flower induction
  • Length of cycle
  • Planting dates
  • Planning in retrospect and its implications
  • Examples of different methods of planning

II.5 - Soil preparation

  • Loosening of the soil and destruction of plant residues from the preceding crop
  • Soil cover
  • Soil improvement and basic fertilization
  • Treatment with pesticides and herbicides at planting
  • Mechanized soil preparation

II.6 – Choice, preparation and planting of planting material

  • Different types of planting material
  • Quality of planting material
  • Grading and preparation of planting material
  • Planting shoots
  • Mechanized planting

II.7 - Fertilization

  • Evolution of soil under pineapple cultivation
  • Maintenance of physical and biological soil properties
  • Maintenance of chemical soil properties
  • Satisfying plant needs
  • Method of application
  • Method of application and localization
  • Effect of covering the soil with plastic mulch
  • Limiting factors
  • Examples of rates and distribution

II.8 – Irrigation

  • Definition of the problem - agronomic water management
  • use of mulch
  • Sprinkler irrigation
  • Drip irrigation
  • Water supply and productivity

II.9 - Plant protection

  • Control of deseases associated with Phytophthora spp
  • Control of deseases caused by Ceratocystis paradoxa (Thielaviopsis)
  • Control of Fusariosis disease caused by Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans
  • Control of deseases caused by Penicillium sp. and Fusarium sp.
  • Control of deseases caused by bacteria and yeasts
  • Control of yellow spot disease
  • Control of wilt disease caused bu Dysmicoccus brevipes
  • Control of nematodes
  • Control of symphylids
  • Control of coccids - Diaspis spp. and Longispinus sp.
  • Control of mites
  • Control of Thecla basilides (Geyer)
  • Control of minor pests
  • Weed control

II.10 - Artificial flower induction treatment (forcing)

  • Range of products used - directions for use and effects
  • Choice of artificial flower induction agent
  • Additional tasks in connection with artificial flower induction
  • Preventing natural flowering

II.11 – Preparation of the fruit – harvest

  • Preparation of the fruit
  • The harvest

II.12 - First ratoon crop and subsequent crops

  • Profitability of the fist ratoon crop
  • How to achieve success with Smooth Cayenne CVs
  • Increasing homogeneity
  • Other tasks to be carried out during vegetation
  • Plantation management

II.13 - Vegetative multiplication

  • Production of shoots
  • Accelerated multiplications

Part three - Uses of pineapple

III.1 - Uses of the fruit

  • Fresh fruit
  • Traditional canned products
  • By-products of the canning process
  • Frozen and/or dehydrated pineapple products
  • Other products

III.2 - Use of the vegetative parts of the plant (other than the fruit)

  • Catle feed
  • Fibres - paper
  • Bromelin

III.3 - Use of the whole plant as a source of energy

Part four - Economic aspects

IV.1 -Main stages in the development of the pineapple industry

IV.2 -Production and markets

  • World production of fresh fruits
  • Local consumption
  • Exports of fresh pineapples - imports
  • Canned products - exports - imports
  • Production of pineapple juice - exports - imports

IV.3 - Socio-economic aspects

IV.4 - Production costs

IV.5 – Fluctuations in prices of main products




Lu dans la presse



Langue(s) : Anglais

Editeur : Maisonneuve et Larose

Edition : 1ère édition

Collection : Hors Collection

Publication : 1 janvier 1987

Référence Livre papier : CI228

EAN13 Livre papier : 9782706809484

Format (en mm) Livre papier : 160 x 240

Nombre de pages Livre papier : 568

Poids (en grammes) : 1120


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