Brain atlas of the medakafish

de Ralph Anken (auteur), Franck Bourrat (auteur)
Collection : Hors Collection
janvier 1998
format [NR] 96 pages Téléchargement après achat
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The medaka (Oryzias latipes), a small freshwater teleost from Japon and South-East Asia, is an increasingly popular vertebrate model in biology. However, the anatomical data available on this species are scarce, or difficult to access, a relative lack that is ail the more regrettable tor the central nervous System (CNS), This atlas is composed of 55 serial transverse sections (microphotographs and mirror-image drawings with named structures - using up-to-date nomenclature) of adult medaka CNS, along with 7 horizontal and 7 sagittal sections. Small aquarium teleosts (medaka and zebrafish) are mostly used today for developmental genetic analysis. In this context, this atlas is primarily intended for researchers with an interest in identification of CNS structures where newly cloned genes are expressed. Developmental and/or evolutionary neurobiologists should be especially interested by comparisons of expression patterns with relatively close species (the zebrafish), and distant ones (the rat or the mouse)



The medaka as a model 

Aim of the présent atlas 

Materials and methods

Medaka strain used and histological procédures

Préparation of the brain atlas, and guidelines for its use 


What nomenclature should be used for fish neuroanatomy? 

Language used in the présent work 

Spécifie comments 


List of abbreviations and location of the structures 


Horizontal sections- figures 1 to 7 

Sagittal sections- figures 1 to 7 

Transverse sections- figures 1 to 55

Lu dans la presse



Langue(s) : Anglais

Editeur : Inra

Edition : 1ère édition

Collection : Hors Collection

Publication : 1 janvier 1998

Référence eBook [PDF] : 01387NUM

EAN13 eBook [PDF] : 9782759205264

Intérieur : Bichromie

Nombre de pages eBook [PDF] : 96

Taille(s) : 15,5 Mo (PDF)


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