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Oil Palm Fertilization Guide

de Bernard Dubos (auteur), Xavier Bonneau (auteur), Albert Flori (auteur), Tristan Durand-Gasselin (préface)
Collection : Savoir faire
décembre 2022
format 160 x 240 82 pages En stock
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Intended as guide for designing the fertilization system in oil palm plantations, this book explains in clear language how to define fertilizer recommendations for each plantation, considering the specific characteristics of each site. 

The authors present the principles for interpreting the results of plant tissue analysis, mainly leaflets, taking into account the influence of factors specific to each plantation (age, plant material, climate, soil). They detail how to experimentally determine site-specific reference levels of mineral elements and sampling rules for monitoring the nutritional status of the plantation. Priority is given to the most specific facies (soil, plant material) of the planted areas rather than to an average representation of the plots. 

This guide explains how to create fertilization schedules to achieve optimal leaf contents from experimentation, and to compare these data with information from geographic information systems. This decision support system is designed to be valid in all situations. 

In addition to the economic optimization of fertilization, environmental concerns are considered: soil health and absorption efficiency must be integrated into the fertilization strategy by optimizing cultivation practices for fertilizer application and organic matter management. 

This guide is illustrated by numerous examples from trials in various soil, climate and plant material conditions in Africa and Latin America.

This book is available in French : Piloter la fertilisation du palmier à huile.

Read the foreword written by Tristan Durand-Gasselin, senior oil palm breeder and CEO of PalmElit.


Introduction: context and purpose of this guide

1. Understanding oil palm mineral nutrition and diagnosing nutritional needs.
Why fertilize oil palm plantations?
Can deficiency symptoms be trusted to recommend fertilizer applications?.
  Nitrogen (N) deficiency
  Potassium (K) deficiency.
  Magnesium (Mg) deficiency
  Boron (B) deficiency
  Copper (Cu) deficiency
  Manganese (Mn) deficiency
  Other nutrients.
Analysing leaf samples to establish a diagnosis.
Ascertaining variability in leaf nutrient contents.
  Nitrogen (N)
  Phosphorus (P
  Potassium (K)
  Calcium (Ca)
  Magnesium (Mg)
  Chlorine (Cl).
  Sulphur (S)
  Trace elements: boron, copper, iron, manganese
  Interpreting leaf contents considering the specific characteristics of a plantation

2. Plantation sampling for ongoing mineral nutrition monitoring..
Dividing the plantation into several leaf sampling units
Planning the leaf sampling schedule
Choosing the palms of the reference sample inside the LSU
  Restricting reference sampling to a uniform section of the LSU
  When and how to select the palms used for leaf sampling
Taking special leaf samples to check specific zones in the LSU

3. Adapting the decision-support tool to local conditions: taking the specificities of each site into account
Fertilization trial principles
  Choice of treatments and experimental designs.
  Aggregating data and determining local optimum contents
  Experimental precision
Drawing up the fertilizer schedule from the experimental results
  Determining the optimum content range per nutrient.
  Drawing up a fertilizer schedule from the optimum content range
  Applying the conclusions of the experimental approach
A better understanding of trial results

4. Extrapolating fertilizer schedules resulting from trials.
Analysing the plantation reaction on an LSU scale
What information can be drawn from soil analyses?
Taking into account soil calcium contents when using KCl
Detecting distortions due to soil properties
  Associating a reference soil analysis with each leaf sample
  Constructing a geographic information system (GIS)
  Setting up reactivity tests

5. Adopting sustainable fertilization practices: prospects and recommendations.
Preserving soil health
  Caring for the chemical fertility of soils
  Assessing soil reserves
Improving fertilization efficiency
  Reducing mineral nutrient losses through different cultural practices
  Improving the physico-chemical properties of soils
Developing a precise and environment-friendly fertilization tool
  Precision of recommendations and fertilizer schedules
  Spatial precision of leaf sampling and fertilizer application

Conclusion: generic tools for optimized fertilization in each plantation

Lu dans la presse



Langue(s) : Anglais

Editeur : Éditions Quae

Edition : 1ère édition

Collection : Savoir faire

Publication : 8 décembre 2022

Référence Livre papier : 02878

Référence eBook [PDF] : 02878NUM

Référence eBook [ePub] : 02878EPB

EAN13 Livre papier : 9782759236756

EAN13 eBook [PDF] : 9782759236763

EAN13 eBook [ePub] : 9782759236770

Intérieur : Couleur

Format (en mm) Livre papier : 160 x 240

Nombre de pages Livre papier : 82

Nombre de pages eBook [PDF] : 82

Poids (en grammes) : 165

Taille(s) : 8,36 Mo (PDF), 6,03 Mo (ePub)


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