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The agroecological transition of agricultural systems in the Global South

de François-Xavier Côte (coordination scientifique), Emmanuelle Poirier-Magona (coordination scientifique), Sylvain Perret (coordination scientifique), Philippe Roudier (coordination scientifique), Bruno Rapidel (coordination scientifique), Marie-Cécile Thirion (coordination scientifique)
juin 2019
360 pages Téléchargement après achat
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Food security, jobs, ecological transition of agricultural production models and consumption patterns... Agroecology could be one of the solutions to meet the future challenges of humanity. Part of the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, it requires a lasting commitment from all of us. To meet the food and economic needs of growing rural and urban communities, fulfil increasingly demanding consumer requirements, conserve natural resources and adapt to climate change, we have to find new ways of agricultural production.

Over the last decade, CIRAD and AFD have conducted experiments in agroecological transitions with farmers, researchers, development agents and policymakers in many countries of the Global South. In this book, they reflect on the future of agroecology as a way for agriculture in the developing world to adapt to global changes and they examine the conditions necessary for a successful agroecological transition.


The French version of this book, La transition agro-écologique des agricultures du Sud, is available on our website.

La version française de ce titre, La transition agro-écologique des agricultures du Sud, est disponible sur notre site.





Part 1

Case studies

Chapter 1. Co-design of innovative mixed crop‑livestock farming systems in the cotton zone of Burkina Faso 

Éric Vall, Mélanie Blanchard, Kalifa Coulibaly, Souleymane Ouédraogo, Der Dabiré, Jean-Marie Douzet, Patrice K. Kouakou, Nadine Andrieu, Michel Havard, Eduardo Chia, Valérie Bougouma, Mahamoudou Koutou, Médina-Sheila Karambiri, Jethro-Balkewnde Delma, Ollo Sib

Chapter 2. Agroecology in Madagascar: from the plant to the landscape 

Krishna Naudin, Patrice Autfray, Julie Dusserre, Éric Penot, Louis-Marie Raboin, Tahina Raharison, Jacqueline Rakotoarisoa, Alain Ramanantsoanirina, Meva Tahiry Randrianjafizanaka, Laingo Irintsoa Rasolofo, Harinjaka Raveloson, Mamy Razafimahatratra, Paulo Salgado, Mathilde Sester, Kirsten Vom Brocke, Éric Scopel

Chapter 3. Agroforestry: diversified practices for the agroecological transition of African cacao farming 

Patrick Jagoret, François Ruf, Christophe Du Castel, Jean-Michel Harmand, Sylvain Rafflegeau, Stéphane Saj, Didier Snoeck, Thomas Wibaux

Chapter 4. Anti-insect nets to facilitate the agroecological transition in Africa 

Thibaud Martin, Laurent Parrot, Raphaël Belmin, Thibault Nordey, Claudine Basset‑Mens, Yannick Biard, Émilie Deletre, Serge Simon, Fabrice Le Bellec

Chapter 5. Accompanying the actors of the agroecological transition in Laos 

Pascal Lienhard, Jean-Christophe Castella, Pierre Ferrand, Morgane Cournarie, Patrick d’Aquino, Éric Scopel, Nathalie Bougnoux

Chapter 6. The agroecological transition of Cavendish banana cropping systems in the French West Indies 

Jean-Michel Risède, Raphaël Achard, Pierre Brat, Christian Chabrier, Gaëlle Damour, Claire Guillermet, Luc de Lapeyre, Denis Loeillet, Steewy Lakhia, Paul Meynard, Philippe Tixier, Hoa Tran Quoc, Frédéric Salmon, François-Xavier Côte, Marc Dorel

Chapter 7. Development of agroecological horticultural systems in Réunion 

Jean-Philippe Deguine, Jean-Noël Aubertot, Jean-Charles de Cambiaire, Céline Cresson, M'hand Fares, Guy Lambert, Marlène Marquier, Toulassi Nurbel, Philippe Laurent, Luc Vanhuffel, Didier Vincenot 

Chapter 8. Accompanying the agroecological transition of agroforestry systems in Central America 

Bruno Rapidel, Jean-François Le Coq, Elias de Melo, Jacques Avelino, Sandrine Freguin-Gresh

Chapter 9. New varieties for innovative agroforestry coffee systems 

Benoit Bertrand, Jean-Christophe Breitler, Frédéric Georget, Éric Penot, Mélanie Bordeaux, Pierre Marraccini, Sophie Léran, Claudine Campa, Olivier Bonato, Luc Villain, Hervé Étienne

Part 2

Thematic focus

Chapter 10. The drivers of agroecology in sub-Saharan Africa: an illustration from the Malagasy Highlands

Jean-Michel Sourisseau, Jean-François Bélières, Jacques Marzin, Paulo Salgado, Florent Maraux 

Chapter 11. From natural regulation processes to technical innovation, what agroecological solutions for the countries of the Global South? 

Éric Malézieux, Bruno Rapidel, François-Régis Goebel, Philippe Tixier

Chapter 12. Assessment of trade-offs between environmental and socio-economic issues in agroecological systems 

François Affholder, Cécile Bessou, Juliette Lairez, Pauline Feschet

Chapter 13. Agroecology and climate change: close links which give cause for hope 

Emmanuel Torquebiau, Philippe Roudier, Julien Demenois, Stéphane Saj, Étienne Hainzelin, Florent Maraux

Chapter 14. The ecologisation of agriculture through the prism of collaborative innovation 

Aurélie Toillier, Prosper Kola, Syndhia Mathé, Sygnola Tsafack, Der Dabire, Bernard Triomphe 

Chapter 15. What market dynamics for promoting an agroecological transition? 

Claire Cerdan, Estelle Biénabe, Hélène David-Benz, Sylvaine Lemeilleur, Delphine Marie-Vivien, Isabelle Vagneron, Paule Moustier

Chapter 16. Territorial mechanisms: common goods for undertaking the agroecological transition 

Marc Piraux, Jean-Philippe Tonneau, René Poccard

Chapter 17. Public policies supporting agroecology in Latin America: lessons and perspectives 

Jean-François Le Coq, Éric Sabourin, Muriel Bonin, Sandrine Fréguin Gresh, Jacques Marzin, Paulo Niederle, Maria Mercedes Patrouilleau, Luis Vázquez

Chapter 18. Agroecological transition of agriculture in the countries of the Global South: taking stock and perspectives 

François-Xavier Côte, Bruno Rapidel, Jean-Michel Sourisseau, François Affholder, Patrick Caron, Jean-Philippe Deguine, Guy Faure, Étienne Hainzelin, Éric Malézieux, Emmanuelle Poirier-Magona, Philippe Roudier, Éric Scopel, Philippe Tixier, Aurélie Toillier, Sylvain Perret

List of boxes 

List of authors 

List of abbreviations 

Lu dans la presse



Langue(s) : Anglais

Editeur : Éditions Quae

Edition : 1ère édition

Collection : Agricultures et défis du monde

Publication : 25 juin 2019

Référence eBook [PDF] : 02701NUM

Référence eBook [ePub] : 02701EPB

EAN13 eBook [PDF] : 9782759230570

EAN13 eBook [ePub] : 9782759230587

Intérieur : Couleur

Nombre de pages eBook [PDF] : 360

Taille(s) : 22,8 Mo (PDF), 14,7 Mo (ePub)


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