Marine renewable energies

Prospective foresight study for 2030

de Collectif (auteur), Michel Paillard (coordination scientifique), Véronique Lamblin (coordination scientifique), Denis Lacroix (coordination scientifique)
Collection : Hors Collection
février 2009
format [NR] 320 pages En stock
50,70 €
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The ocean is a huge reservoir of renewable energy sources, such as wind, currents, tides, waves, marine biomass, thermal energy, osmotic power, and so on. Like other maritime nations in Europe, France enjoys significant potential to develop these energy sources, especially overseas. In March 2007, Ifremer's chairman launched a prospective foresight study on these energies for the time horizon of 2030. With support from the Futuribles consulting group, twenty French partners representing the main stakeholders in the sector carried out this work. Their objective was to identify the technologies, specify the socio-economic prerequisites for them to emerge and be competitive and assess their respective impacts on power sources and the environment. What was learned from this study can be applied well beyond France, at a time when a European maritime strategy is taking shape.


The French version of this book, Énergies renouvelables marines, is available on our website.

La version française de ce titre, Énergies renouvelables marines, est disponible sur notre site.



Part 1 – Summary of studies
Scope of the study
Review of marine energies: resources and technologies
Four possible contrasting scenarios
Conditions for emergence considered in these possible scenarios
Consequences of the possible scenarios on the development of technologies.
Environmental integration: what are the impacts and risks?
Incorporating marine renewable energies in the French energy supply.
Proposal for a normative scenario in the context of the French environmental summit meeting

Part 2 – Constructing the scenarios
Study structure and methodology
Constructing micro-scenarios for each component
Constructing the macro-scenarios
Description of the macro-scenarios
Scenario 1: Crisis and energy emergency
Scenario 2: Altruistic co-operation through necessity
Scenario 3: Few changes, every man for himself
Scenario 4: Independent local development

Part 3 – Technical file: Components and variables fact sheets
V1 : Global geo-economics
V2 : World climate governance
V3 : Energy demand, including Europe by region
V4 : Freshwater demand by region
14 Marine renewable energies
V5 : Security and price of fossil fuels
V6 : Political strategy & energy independence: targets
V7 : Specificities of islands (including OR and OCT)
V8 : Enforcement & control, relevant tools in France
V9 : Regulatory instruments for biofuels.
V10 : Energy research budget and allocation by energy source
V11 : Structuring and managing the electricity grid
V12 : Energy storage and transport technologies
V13 : Changes in centralized electricity generation
V14 : Global population distribution including European coasts
V15 : Regional marine spatial planning
V16 : Public acceptance
V17 : Changes in sea uses and conflicts
V18 : Adapting the regulations
V19 : Environmental impacts
V20 : Stream energy (marine currents)
V21 : Tidal power
V22 : Wave power
V23 : Biomass
V24 : Offshore wind power.
V25 : Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)
V26 : Osmotic power
V27 : Hybrid technological solutions
V28 : Potential of new sources
V29 : Knowledge about the marine environment and impacts
V30 : Roles of public-and private-sector stakeholders

1. List of Steering Committee members
2. List of Working Group members
3. Glossary of acronyms
4. Glossary for the scenario method
5. List of 30 variables grouped by component and corresponding author(s)
6. Cost assessment of possible and normative scenarios

Lu dans la presse


Infrastructures de transport créatives Mieux les intégrer aux écosystèmes, paysages et territoires

Livre papier 29,00 €


Langue(s) : Anglais

Editeur : Éditions Quae

Edition : 1ère édition

Collection : Hors Collection

Publication : 12 février 2009

Référence Livre papier : 02106

Référence eBook [PDF] : 02106NUM

EAN13 Livre papier : 9782759201839

EAN13 eBook [PDF] : 9782759201846

DOI eBook [PDF] : 10.35690/978-2-7592-0184-6

Intérieur : Bichromie

Format (en mm) Livre papier : [NR]

Nombre de pages Livre papier : 320

Nombre de pages eBook [PDF] : 320

Poids (en grammes) : 735

Taille(s) : 53 Mo (PDF)


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